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Extended Schools

Breakfast Club

We run a very successful breakfast club from 7:45am every morning. The children are offered a choice of breakfast cereals, toast and fruit juice. The well-trained staff who run the session are warm and welcoming. They ensure the children have suitable activities whilst at the session, including iPads, colouring, board games and construction sets. Younger children are delivered to their classroom at 8.35am to ensure any messages you need to pass to the teacher do happen.

The cost per session is £5.00

After school care

Our younger children are collected from class at 3.15pm, older children go straight to the upper school hall. Children are welcome to bring a snack or a packed tea. There are various activities set up around the hall and the children also have access to other supervised areas of the school (art room, playground and mobile). The latest collection is at 6pm.

The cost per session is £10.00 per child.

If you have an enquiry or would like to make a booking, using the booking form attached please email: [email protected]

If you have an enquiry during the session, please call 07535918150


Extended School Club Policy 2023

Blank Booking Form – Extended Schools