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British Values

At Mulbarton Primary School we promote British Values through our ethos, through ourcurriculum, through circle time, through RE and Learning For Life lessons, and through regular assemblies.  There are five key values.

We work together to listen to and respect each other's views and ideas. Decisions are made fairly, and if we cannot come to a unanimous decision we vote to ensure the decision is fair. Each week all pupils take part in a weekly circle - we work patiently and collectively, with support from an adult, to discuss key issues, rules and values.

All pupils are taught the rules of the school and the values and reasons behind the rules. All pupils know we need to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE.

Throughout the school year the children and teachers reinforce these rules together and explore their meaning and how to apply them both in lessons and at less structured times of the school day.    Our rules are supported through praise for positive choices. 

High levels of mutual trust are demonstrated through the strong relationships between the children and the staff. Positive attitudes and caring behaviours are recognised and celebrated.  These are reinforced through our Wonders of Learning, and celebrated in our Hot Chocolate Fridays.

Our safe and supportive environment, along with our rule system,  encourages the children to make informed decisions and the right choices. Safeguarding and E Safety is paramount to also ensuring our pupils make safe choices. Becoming critical and reflective thinkers allows our children to feel confident about making good decisions.

We want our children to become tolerant citizens of the future, who can live and work harmoniously with others in our diverse society. We want them to understand that equality does not mean treating people equally, equality means treating people fairly.  We offer a broad curriculum that teaches about a variety of faiths and cultures.