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What does Science at Mulbarton Primary School look like? 

Our Science curriculum is constructed to provide our pupils with an understanding of the world and how science changes our lives.  We provide an investigative curriculum, encouraging pupils to develop and use their working scientifically skills to develop scientific knowledge and understanding of all National Curriculum topics. We also aim for our pupils to understand the uses and implications of science today and in the future.  

Our Science curriculum is planned around the National Curriculum and has been sequenced with a progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Science is taught as a discrete subject on a weekly basis. Formative assessments are used before planning and delivering topics to ensure that the learning is tailored to the needs of the current cohort. Every lesson features a prior learning recall activity which may be presented as a recap or as an assessment to check if learning is ‘sticking’. Key vocabulary is displayed in classrooms and taught both in lessons and as part of our ‘Word of the Day’. Children learn about real-life scientists from a diverse range of backgrounds. Pupils are encouraged to show our Wonderful Learner skills of resilience, problem-solving, reflection, inquisitiveness, focus, aspiration and collaboration in their science lessons and receive dojos for this.  

To ensure that our Science curriculum is accessible to all, we ensure that we use adults effectively to provide support. Teachers provide scaffolding activities to support children with recording. Tasks are broken down into manageable chunks. Collaboration is encouraged so children get the chance to learn from both adults and their peers through group work and discussion. 

In Reception, children learn scientific knowledge and skills through the strand of 'Understanding the World'. Our continuous provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage allows children to have the opportunity to learn through open-ended exploratory play in both our indoor and outdoor environments. This then leads to the children drawing supporting adults into their enquiries through conversation and investigation. The adults can then develop and guide the learning, relating new learning to previous experiences. Adult-directed activities ensure all children have the opportunity to learn the correct vocabulary and skills. In this way, knowledge is built collaboratively through exploration and conversation either between pupils and / or between adults and pupils. 

We hold a Science week during the year.  Children get the chance to work with scientists from the local community and to research famous scientists who are linked to their work. We also invite parents to join their children for a practical Science Learning Café.  There are also a range of science-based trips and visitors arranged throughout the school year. 

Science overview

Aut 1
Aut 2
Spr 1
Spr 2 
Sum 1
Sum 2
Sorting and categorising Seasonal changes
Observations of the natural world
Changes (prediction)
Explore the natural world
Nocturnal animals
Materials (sorting and grouping)
Test ideas through play
Seasonal changes
Plants (growth)
Observations and drawings - life cycle
Explore the natural world through play
Year 1
Parts of the human body
Identify and classify
Animal features and classification
Identify, compare and group
Mary Anning
Jack Horner
Everyday materials
Properties of materials
Naming plants
Parts of a plant
Evergreen and deciduous trees
Year 2
Materials - manipulation
Identify, classify, perform simple tests, ask Qs, observe and record
Charles Macintosh
Materials and their uses
Observe, use simple equipment, answer Qs, gather and record data, notice patterns and relationships

Basic needs of animals
Animal babies
Comparing and grouping - living and non-living
Sir David Attenborough

Food chains
Life cycles
Basic needs of animals
Habitats and micro-habitats
Camouflage and adaptation
Hamza Yassin

Basic needs of plants
Seeds and bulbs
Identify common plants and trees
Jane Colden
Pattens and relationships
Stages of human development
Basic needs of humans
Year 3
Healthy eating and nutrition
Food pyramids
Scientific observations, evaluate and ask Qs
Rock types and classification
Mary Anning
Animal skeletons
Ask Qs and scientific enquiries 
Marie Curie
Light and dark
Sources of light
Light / sun safety
Gather and record data
Parts of plants and their uses
Seed dispersal and pollination
Plant cycle
Scientific evidence
Isatou Ceesay
Magnets - attract and repel
Practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
Year 4
Digestive system
Comparative and fair testing
Observation over time
States of matter
Identifying, grouping and classifying
Daniel Farenheit 
Thomas Edison
Volume, pitch, vibrations
Alexander Graham-Bell 
Charles Henry Turner
Food chains and webs
Identifying, grouping and classifying
Joean Beauchamp Procter

States of matter
Water cycle

Year 5
Compare life cycles
Parts of a flower - sexual reproduction
Farming practices
Jane Goodall
Materials - changes
Irreversible changes
Burning, cooling and mixing
Jamie Garcia
Earth and space
Movement of the planets and the sun
Phases of the moon
Margaret Hamilton
Working scientifically Animals including humans
Human reproduction
Louis Pasteur
Air resistance, water resistance and friction
Isaac Newton
Year 6
Electrical circuits
Circuit symbols
Light - how light travels
Phenomena associated with light
Selective breeding
Gillian Burke
Animals including humans
Circularity system
Lifestyle choices
How nutrients and water are transported
Daniel Hale
Living things
Use and construct classification systems