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Exciting news from the Norfolk STEPS team!

The Norfolk STEPs team support our school with positive behaviour management. All staff are trained in the Norfolk STEPs programme to ensure we maintain a consistent approach when supporting children in our school to ensure they are safe and learn well.

The team have recently produced a set of e-learning resources for parents to use at home. The training mirrors how we support your children at school. They have also included links to helpful websites and organisations.

The resource is free and available to access on our website. You can explore the materials from this link: Norfolk Steps for Families – Resources and Links ( The resource for parents has been separated into five different parts:

Part 1: Understanding your child’s behaviours
– Helps families recognise that behaviours are communication and to consider what needs and experiences may be ‘underneath’ the tip of the iceberg!
– Shares a range of models which can help families to understand why behaviour is happening including the Stress Bucket and Roots and Fruits.
– Explores several trackers and charts including the ABC chart which can help families to identify where, when, and why behaviours are happening.

Part 2: Promoting positive behaviours
– Looks at a range of practical ways families can promote positive behaviours including positivity, consistency, boundaries, co-regulation, sharing feelings and praise.

Part 3: Helpful responses
– Explores practical responses which families can use if behaviours begin to challenge including scripts, limited choices, disempowering behaviours, use of ‘when and then’ language, educational and protective consequences, and restorative approaches.

Part 4: Making a plan!
– Supports families with how to put together a simple behaviour support plan which includes key scripts and responses.

Part 5: Working with school
– Explains what support their child may receive at their school or setting for their behaviour including behaviour analysis and behaviour support plans.
– Provides advice on how families can prepare for meetings to discuss behaviour support plans.