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Curriculum Information


Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for Years 1-6 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework in Reception. 


Over recent years, we have developed our curriculum to ensure that we not only meet, but exceed, the requirements of the National Curriculum by providing children with exciting, engaging learning opportunities, that hook the children in, and give them extra experiences through WOW days, visits and visitors. We ensure progression of knowledge and skills through each year group in preparation for future learning.  

Our curriculum is designed with our children at the heart. We want our children to be autonomous, resilient learners who take ownership over their own progress. We encourage our children to: seek out and enjoy challenges, work collaboratively with others and be reflective about their learning and progress.  

At Mulbarton Primary School, we set high expectations and ensure equal opportunities to allow all children to reach their full potential. We follow a challenge-led approach to lessons where the children select which challenge (bronze, silver, gold) they will complete. We do this in all the foundation subjects across the curriculum. Children are encouraged to reflect on their choice of challenge, being aspirational and moving between the challenges accordingly.  

We have ‘7 Wonders of Learning’ that are at the core of everything we do in our school. These are: focussed, collaborative, resilient, reflective, aspirational, inquisitive and problem-solving. Our children are asked to consider which of these wonders they use within lessons and around the school.  

Mulbarton Primary School has wonderful school grounds including a forest area, a reflective area and large field / playground spaces. We promote active and outdoor learning opportunities as much as possible.  

Quotes from our most recent Ofsted report :

Pupils benefit from a well-constructed curriculum.

"Leaders have worked incisively to develop their curriculum. It sets out clearly what knowledge pupils will learn from Reception to Year 6."

"Pupils at Mulbarton Primary School personify the words polite and kind."

"Pupils feel happy and safe at their school."

-Ofsted, 2022

Please click the links below to access further information about our school curriculum: