Year 3 – Highlights

Spring term 

In English this term, we enjoyed reading the text “Belonging” and enjoyed writing in role of the character from the story. We spent time looking at the detailed pictures and noticed the changes from start to finish. We spent time writing letters in role and concentrated on using many descriptive phrases. The children also spent time learning new spelling rules and have developed their skills in editing and proof-reading their writing.  

In Maths, the children spent time learning a range of skills and topics such as multiplication and division, money, statistics, length and perimeter. The children have developed their mental maths skills during flashback four sessions and have been learning their 3, 4 and 8 times table too. The children are enjoying using TTRS to help them with this and to learn about the corresponding division facts.  

In Topic, we thoroughly enjoyed learning about urban areas. The children enjoyed learning all about the local environment and how important it is to be environmentally friendly in and out of school. In our History lessons, the children enjoyed learning all about Elizabeth Fry and how she was a significant figure in history. They learnt about life in Victorian prisons and how the conditions needed changing. The children enjoyed learning about street art too and looked at work from Banksy and a local artist called Knapple. In our science lessons, we looked at light and dark. The children named a range of natural and man-made light sources and learnt how shadows are formed. The children also learnt how to be safe in the sun and learnt why it is important not to look directly at the sun.  

The children also thoroughly enjoyed continuing to learn French and the children learnt how to name many animals. They also looked at the names of fruits.