Year 2 – Highlights

Spring term

We have had an amazingly wonderful Spring term with your children. We kicked off the term with a trip to the Records Office at County Hall, to help us with our new topic: Street Detectives. As part of this topic, we learnt all about the Geography and History of Mulbarton.

This half term, all our English lessons were taught through the wonderful book; ‘The Secret of Black Rock’. This involved lots of drama, and fun lessons to inspire some great writing.

In Art, the children learnt about primary colours. They then created their own versions of busy Mulbarton streets, in the style of Modrian, who designed ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie’ based on the busy streets of New York. The children also made some beautiful pictures of buildings in the style of Paul Klee.

This topic involved lots of map work, ranging from using maps to look closely at Mulbarton, after walking around it, designing their own maps with keys, using google maps and so on.

After half term our topic was ‘Wriggle and Crawl’. We had an exciting start to this one, with a visit from ‘The Minibeast Man’ for our Wow Day. The children (most of them!) enjoyed holding lots of creepy crawlies.

In English we read ‘Moth’ an absolutely beautifully illustrated non-fiction book based on the real story of the evolution of the speckled moth, caused by the Industrial Revolution. The children enjoyed working on this and the half terms English work culminated in the children designing their own minibeasts. They then wrote non-chronological reports about their minibeasts and evaluated their Design Technology models. We had a minibeast gallery after school to share our work. The children really enjoyed having the opportunity to show you their wonderful learning!