Reception – Highlights

Spring term

This term we began by learning all about our new Topic ‘Starry Night’. We discussed what it looks like at night-time and thought about what animals might come out at night-time. We had many big questions during this topic about Space, the moon and the planets. We learnt all about the first man on the moon and enjoyed discovering the fact he left a flag and a footprint there!

We had a sleep café after school and we all got to come back to school in her pyjamas where we learnt how important sleep is for keeping our bodies healthy. We also made a dream catcher to keep away any bad dreams. To support our learning about this we read ‘Emily Brown and the Thing’ and loved how she helped the ‘thing’ forgot about his fears so he could get to sleep.

In Maths we learnt all about the numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10! We got very good at recognising, comparing, and representing this numbers using a range of resources. We also consolidated our understanding of number bonds to 10 and played lots of games to help us remember these.

We then had a new Topic of ‘Once Upon a Time’. We explored many different traditional and fairy tales and the differences between them. We learnt that fairy tales often feature Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses and are set in castles, whereas traditional tales often have talking animals and are set in forests and deep woods!

We were very lucky to be able to visit Gressenhall for a wonderful day of exploring the farm, helping Cinderella with her chores, sliding down the beanstalk with Jack and making a potion with the wicked witch.

We have also been busy this half-term enhancing our physical skills at the Multi-Skills festival where we displayed great collaboration, commitment and resilience. We took part in games to help practise our running, throwing, catching and balance skills.